Trainee Positions At Palmerston North
Palmerston North
Private Bag 11036
Manawatu Mail Centre
Palmerston North
NZ, 4442
New Zealand
Contact Details
Dr P Cariga
Phone : +64 6 3508623
www :
Training Positions : 1 (Not available for 2017-18)
Elective Training Positions : 0
Fellowships : 0
Core Position Descriptions
1 FT advanced neurology trainee
Elective Position Descriptions
Hospital Information
Palmerston North Hospital is a teaching hospital associated with both Auckland and Otago medical schools. Located in the city of Palmerston North, it is the main regional centre covering the southern central north island of New Zealand from just north of Wellington reaching up to Taranaki and Gisborme for some specialty services. The general patient catchment area comprises a population of 180,000; this extends to over 300,000 for neurophysiology and over 500,00 for the Regional Cancer Treatment Service.
The Department of Neurology collaborates closely with Wellington and regional meetings occur on a regular basis. We also have very close ties to Wellington Neuro and Vascular surgery.
Department Beds :
Department Clinics
in excess of 10
Department Specialty Clinics
TIA - EMG - Dystonic syndromes - Epilepsy
Department Meetings
Neuroradiology and MRI conference
Neurophysiology MDT meeting
Stroke MDT meeting
Neurology Service Meetings
Internal Medicine Grand Round
Postgraduate Medical Society meetings
Journal club
Department Staff
Dr Pietro Cariga
Consultant Neurologist
Neurology Training Supervisor
Dr Ivan Iniesta
Consultant Neurologist
Prevocational Educational Supervisor
Dr Marta Rodriguez
Consultant Neurologist
The department includes:
2.2 FTE Neurology (0.8 Pietro Cariga & Ivan Iniesta, 0.6 Marta Rodriguez)
0.5 FTE house officer
3 PT neurophysiology technicians (total of 1.3 FTE coverage)
1 FT neurology nurse
1 FT secretary/PA
1 FT receptionist
Acute stroke team on site including 0.5 FTE occupational, physio- and speech and language threpists and a FT stroke CNS
Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
1 house officer 0.5 FTE
Trainee Responsibilities
2 neurology clinics/week (initially fully supervised).
2 to 3 (flexible) sessions of inpatient care and inpatient consultations, initially fully supervised by the consultant with progressive levels of independence, including involvement in acute stroke care and early stroke rehab
medical on call rota and weekly rehabilitation ward round
attend weekly internal medicine grand round
protected time to attend weekly postgraduate medical society academic meetings
attend RACP advanced training meetings (videoconferencing facility available)
Sub-special interests in the department include MS (Dr Cariga), epilepsy (Dr Iniesta), transition neurology (Dr Rodriguez), movement disorders (Dr Cariga), neurophysiology (Dr Rodriguez). Dr Cariga has a strong background in medical education from previous positions at Hull York Medical School, UK, and Yorkhire Deanery.
Dr Iniesta was Honorary Clinical Lecturer and Educational Supervisor at The Walton Centre and Liverpool University and is currently Prevocational Educational Supervisor at Palmerston North Hospital
Selection Criteria
We are looking for a highly motivated individual who enjoys active learning and working as team member. We base selection on demonstration of prior excellence and commitment to patient care as well as evidence to support that the individual works well with others and respects team members regardless of duties and station.
Philosophy Of Training
Our hospital and patient volumes provide ample learning opporunities, but at the same time we manage to maintain a relaxed and flexible environment and aim to meet every team member's needs and goals. Registrars are not seen as a worker bee to assist the consultants, but rather as an intellectual stimulant and learning occurs in all directions in our department. The advanced trainee is fully integrated into the team and will be expected to make independent decision with the reassurance of continuous consultant back up whenever needed. Our goal is to train neurologists who are fully capable of independent practice in a wide variety of aspects of neurologic care with a primary focus on solid general neurological skills.
We see completing a core training year at Palmerston North Hospital as an excellent opportunity to prepare a trainee for a practice in a more rural or remote setting without having to rely on tertiary input unless exceptional circumstances arise. The consultants also have a very active research record and contine to pursue these interests alongside their clinical practice. We provide registrars with opportunities to participate in independent projects and welcome and support any of their own ideas whenever feasible.
Neurology Training In State
Other Information